
As of the Omega Update 4.50; planetary NPCs now have a wide range of missions for players to engage with that are specific to the NPC, Region, Planet & Star System types.

See below for the mission details.

NMSResources Infographics



Raid Defence

[NPC Name] claims their facility on [Planet Name] in the [System Name] is subject to constant pirate harassment. They offer a substantial reward to any who might bring this bombardment to an end.
Defend Against Raiding Pirates
Fauna Data

[NPC Name] requires detailed scans of creatures, preferably those who live on their home planet of [Planet Name] in the [System Name]. They have not been clear as to what they will do with this data. However, they have made it very clear that I will be rewarded handsomely should I assist them in collecting the data.
Scan a Creature
Mineral Data

[NPC Name] requires geological data. They desire probes of the minerals that litter their home [Planet Name] in the [System Name] , though will also accept remote scans with sufficient metadata. Despite the translation issues, one thing is clear: there is a substantial reward on offer for any explorer who supplies this data.
Scan # Unique Minerals
Flora Data

[NPC Name] is in desperate need of detailed scans of flora - preferably that which grows on their home planet of [Planet Name] in the [System Name]. They attempt to explain why, but their meaning is not clear. However, It is apparent that I will be rewarded handsomely should I assist them in collecting the data.
Scan # Unique Plants
Drone Purge

[NPC Name] seems possessed of a real anger, a hatred towards the Sentinels that swarm across their home [Planet Name] in the [System Name]. They offer to to reward me should I find and destroy Sentinel forces.
Eliminate # Sentinel Drones
Quadruped Purge

[NPC Name] seems possessed of a real anger, a hatred towards the Sentinels that swarm across their home [Planet Name] in the [System Name]. They offer to to reward me should I find and destroy Sentinel forces.
Eliminate a Sentinel Quad
Mech Purge

[NPC Name] seems possessed of a real anger, a hatred towards the Sentinels that swarm across their home [Planet Name] in the [System Name]. They offer to to reward me should I find and destroy Sentinel forces.
Eliminate a Sentinel Mech
Corruption Purge

[NPC Name] of [Planet Name] in the [System Name] speaks spitefully of the corruption spreading across their home world. Perhaps their anger masks an underlying fear. They offer to to reward me should I find and destroy corrupted Sentinel forces.
Eliminate # Corrupted Sentinels
Wildlife Cull

[NPC Name] seems bored, tired of their life locked away inside their outpost on [Planet Name] in the [System Name]. They mention something about the smell of Mordite. They appear to want me to hunt for them, and offer a substantial reward should I venture out and kill the creatures that roam this world.
Cull # Creatures
Predator Cull

[NPC Name] seems to have a distaste towards the predatory creatures that roam their home world of [Planet Name] in the [System Name]. It is unclear whether fear or a different motive drives them, but they assure me of reward should I cull a number of the predators that inhabit this world.
Cull # Predators
Monstrosity Extermination

[NPC Name] seems afraid, whispering incomprehensible warnings. I am able to understand only enough to know that they think strange monstrosities are stalking their home planet of [Planet Name] in the [System Name] , and that they will reward me should I find and kill these fiends.
Kill # Monstrosities
Titanic Threat

[NPC Name] of [Planet Name] struggles to articulate what they have witnessed on a neighbouring world in the [System Name]. They stammer about titanic worms, wretched offspring, slavering mouths. They offer recompense to any explorer who dares hunt and cleanse these hungering tendrils.
Kill # Hungering Tendrils
Hazardous Flora

[NPC Name] of the [System Name] seems frustrated. They curse the weeds that strangle their home planet of [Planet Name], muttering about toxic gases and lashing vines. They offer to reward any explorers who could provide a floral extermination service.
Eliminate # Hazardous Plants
Feeding Fauna

[NPC Name] of [Planet Name] in the [System Name] speaks of their love of the outside world, of how it pains them to be bound to their facility. They relate an elaborate tale of a creature that I gather was once their pet. They seem to be offering a large reward should I wander the planet and feed any wild animals I come across.
Feed # Creatures
Buried Treasure

[NPC Name] excitedly informs me of an ancient ruin on [Planet Name] in the [System Name]. They share their data, the clue that put them on the trail of this site. They say I may keep any excavated artifacts for myself, as long as I log any important historical discoveries in their name.
Dig Up Treasure
Natural Metals

[NPC Name] of [Planet Name] in the [System Name] seems agitated, in great need of a particular substance. For reasons I do not understand, they are unable to collect it for themselves. They offer a generous reward should I mine a supply on their behalf and return it to their outpost.
Mine # %ITEM%
Wild Harvest

[NPC Name] of [Planet Name] in the [System Name] seems agitated, in great need of a particular native plant. For reasons I do not understand, they are unable to collect it for themselves. They offer a generous reward should I harvest a supply on their behalf and return it to their outpost.
Harvest # %ITEM%
Crystals Of The Storm
[NPC Name] has long admired the brilliant crystals that form on their planet of [Planet Name] in the [System Name]. However, they do not themself possess the equipment to gather these during extreme weather, and offer a reward to any explorers who collect storm crystals on their behalf.
Collect # Storm Crystals
Ancient Bones
[NPC Name] tells me of natural burial grounds across their home planet of [Planet Name] in the [System Name] . Owing to translation issues, their interest in creature skeletons remains a mystery to me - but I do understand that they would offer compensation for any ancient bones I return to them.
Unearth Ancient Bones
Collect Item

Gather # [Item Name]
Resonance Restoration

[NPC Name] speaks resentfully of the devices boring into their home [Planet Name] in the [System Name]. They offer to reward any explorer who helps destroy Dissonance Resonators, claiming that the Sentinels who plague this dissonant world utilise the machinery for malevolent purposes.
Destroy # Dissonance Resonators
Fauna Photography
[NPC Name] enthusiastically describes the creatures inhabiting their [Planet Name] in the [System Name]. They lament that their facility is ill-suited to pets, and offer to pay for wildlife photography to decorate their home.
Take a Photo of # Creatures
Factory Restoration
[NPC Name] of [Planet Name] in the [System Name] talks in serious tones, pointing out a nearby factory. They claim the installation is malfunctioning, and they wish it restored in exchange for a substantial reward - though warn that Sentinels may respond with force.
Restore a Factory
Depot Raid
[NPC Name] babbles a set of coordinates, pointing at a map of their [Planet Name] in the [System Name]. They have identified a resource depot. For reasons I do not understand, they seem excited at the prospect of this depot being destroyed, and offer a generous payment should I bring about this destruction.
Destroy Planetary Depots
Pirate Hunt

[NPC Name]'s starship on [Planet Name] in the [System Name] is in a state of disrepair, rendering them land-bound and stranded. They claim this predicament was brought about by a pirate attack, and offer a share of their valuable cargo to any who can bring justice to the outlaws.
Kill Pirates
Factory Raid
[NPC Name]'s starship on [Planet Name] in the [System Name] is in a state of disrepair, rendering them land-bound and stranded. They claim this predicament was brought about by a vicious attack and theft of their cargo. They were evasive regarding the legitimacy of this cargo, but offer a valuable reward to any who can help retrieve it.
Raid Factory
Catch Fish
The client is seeking economic data concerning the viability of intensive fishery operations.
They require a database of catch locations, species, weights, and so forth.
The physical leftovers from your catch are yours to keep.
Catch Fish
Catch Fish
The client is seeking environmental data ahead of a large-scale dredging operation.
They seek detailed data on the density of local aquatic populations.
The client has no need for the physical remains of the fish, and you may process them as you wish.
Catch Fish
Catch Fish
The client wishes to create a database of interplanetary fish migration patterns.
They require accurate plot maps of both population density and species.
The client specifically requests the collector keeps the fish carcasses.
Catch Fish
Catch Fish
The client is studying the impact of freighter traffic on local fish populations.
They require a large dataset of the dominant aquatic species on nearby planets.
The client insists that under no circumstances are you to attempt delivery of any fishy remnants.
Catch Fish
Catch Fish
The client wishes to test the evolutionary impact of fishing operations.
They will monitor a series of test catches to generate a dataset to further their research.
The physical catches from your effort are yours to deal with as appropriate.
Catch Fish