You might think you've done everything; but it's likely that you still haven't experienced everything that No Man's Sky has to offer; or seen all there is to see.
Below is a list of things you might not have done yet; if you're struggling for things to achieve / complete to stay entertained.

Maxed Out

Maxed out the slots & stats on each of your Ships, Tools, Exocraft & your Freighter.
See Upgrading Your Equipment, Ships, Tools & Tech Layouts.
Unlocked Everything

Bought all of the blueprints & items in the game.
Completed the Catalogue. Note that not all items appear in the catalogue.
See Catalogue & all the item tabs starting with Raw Materials.
Space Stations

Boarded every type of Space Station, including Abandoned, Outlaw, Atlas Interfaces, The Space Anomaly & seen the various types of normal ones.
See Space Stations.

Got 18 different types of Pets; Egg Sequenced & maxed out their stats.
Atmospheric Events

Survived each Atmospheric Event: Firestorm, Gravitational Anomaly, Lightning Strike, Meteor Shower, Tornado & of course Storm.
See Atmospheric Events.

Visited every type of Building & POI at least once.
See Buildings and Smaller Points of Interest.
Derelict Freighters

Explored lots of different Derelict Freighters.
Found all enemy types on board.
Completed the lore entries.
Found all the blueprints.
See Derelict Freighters.

Created a mixed fleet of 30 frigates & maxed out their stats.
Destroyed a Pirate Dreadnought & a Sentinel Dreadnought.

Bought everything from the Quicksilver Merchant
(and the Space Station Scrap Dealer).
See Quicksilver.

Built a wide variety of bases that you think are cool.

Played around with Switches & Inverters.
Lots of cool stuff can be made once you understand these.
See the linked guides on Powering The Base.
Industrial Mining

Set up an Industrial Mining Facility for all of the available elements.
High End Crafting

Crafted & sold at least one Stasis Device & one Fusion Ignitor.
See High End Crafting.

Learned all the Atlas, Gek, Korvax, Vy'keen & Autophage words that the game allows you to learn & raised your standing with each faction.
See Learning Words, Factions & Standing & Guilds.
Made Your Perfect Ship

Used the Space Anomaly to scrap other ships for parts, then created your own perfect ship from those parts.
See Starship Parts.
Boss Fights

Defeated all the boss fights, including a Sentinel Walker, Brood Mother & The Many Mouths of the Hungering Tendrils.
Helped Other Players

There's no better feeling than helping someone else to complete a mission, build a base, fix a bug or do something they couldn't have done without you.
See Multi-Player.
Created A Website
Data-mined & Play-tested the game to the point where you know almost anything about the game.
Made a website and/or facebook group to help others.