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Join date: Mar 31, 2021


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About me: I have played since two days after launch; played on every build of the game & have logged well over 8000 hours on PS4 and PC. I have created mods & used Blender to work on base building. I have a fairly decent understanding of the code in the game files & a perfect understanding of the code in game saves. On the very rare occasion that I make a mistake, I own up to it & let the whole community know about it. This rarely happens as I'm very committed to thorough research before posting anything.


The process before I upload anything: 1) I test my theory in game a very large amount of times, changing variables such as planet types. I do so on both PC and PS4. For reference, in the 'always 16+ hot-spots within 1050u, including power' theory, I initially tested 450 planets, including all different types of planets. I have since tested this after every update or patch, resulting in 1625 planets tested as of April 2020. 2) I get at least 5 friends to do extensive testing of their own. They cover all platforms (PC/PS4/Xbox). Sometimes I also ask the community to contribute, across the various Facebook groups, Steam, Reddit, e.t.c. 3) We collate our data & discuss our findings, particularly any anomalies we encountered during game-play or in our data. 4) I email 5 very specific members of HelloGames staff, who correct any mistakes (2 found so far, in 2 years). 5) I post my pictures/guides or whatever in the comfort of knowing it is 100% correct.


6) I add info to these posts as & when people ask relevant questions that the posts didn't initially cover. If there is even the slightest doubt in my mind about these additions, I repeat steps 1-5 before editing the posts. 7) When I am convinced that no further questions/comments can add anything to that info, I lock commenting for that post & delete any comments/questions that have now been answered in my edited original post. 8) HelloGames staff email me 5 minutes after an update to highlight which of my posts are no longer correct or relevant & which things to remove from the 'Ideas for the future of NMS' page, as they've just been added.

- [As of Exo Mech update, they have also now started to be nice enough to attach pictures of each section of the update for me for the 'updates' section, meaning I no longer have to go to their website & use 'snipping tool', which saves me a fair bit of time.]

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