Infra-Knife Accelerator
Starship - Weapons
Rapid Fire Starship Weapon
Free / 150 Nanites
Infra-Knife Accelerator is a weapons technology for the starship. The weapon fires 2 projectiles at once at a very high rate of fire and disperses heat very quickly while not firing, but takes a long time to recover from overheating
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Release History:
Infra-Knife Accelerator has the longest overheat recovery time of any starship weapon (the second-longest overheat recovery time, belonging to the Rocket Launcher, is 3 seconds shorter). When hitting targets outside of point-blank range, the damage numbers of shots in a volley tend to overlap, making it look like Infra-Knife Accelerator only deals 35 base damage per volley. It is not known why damage numbers do not visually combine for this weapon --- damage numbers for Cyclotron Ballista and Positron Ejector, other starship weapons that fire multiple shots in a volley, do visually combine to communicate total volley damage. Infra-Knife Accelerator has a typical range for a starship weapon, having the ability to hit targets from up to 1500 distance units (1500u) away (for reference, fugitive pirate ships will attack the player if they get within 1500u). By default, the weapon fires 2 shots at a time at a rate of 10 volleys per second and can fire 21 volleys before overheating, resulting in a time to overheat of 2 seconds, Upon overheating, Infra-Knife Accelerator takes 8 seconds by default to recover from overheating. Infra-Knife Accelerator deals 35 base damage per shot to the following targets: fauna, starships, Space Fleets, and destructible obstacles such as Reinforced Doors (Manufacturing Facilities and Operations Centres). Against starships in particular, the starship weapon deals 4x damage to the rear (resulting in 140 effective base damage per shot). Infra-Knife Accelerator deals 7 base damage per shot to all planetary Sentinels. When used to harvest a planet's flora and minerals, Infra-Knife Accelerator has a base mining power of 7 for each shot.
1.2 Pathfinder - Added as a technology.
1.5 NEXT - Nonlinear Optics and procedurally generated Infra-Knife Accelerator Upgrades added, while Sigma/Tau/Theta upgrades removed. Blueprint changed, formerly used Nickel and Platinum.
2.0 Beyond - Blueprint changed, formerly used Technology Module instead of Wiring Loom